School Resource Officer Pulls Family from Burning Car

South Marshall Elementary School Resource Officer Jason Ivey is being called a hero after a car caught fire in the school's pick up line last week.  

Tuesday, January 23rd, Deputy Ivey says he noticed a car smoking as it came through the drop off line that morning. Once the car pulled into the drop off area, Ivey saw flames coming down from the engine. At that time, he ran over and helped get the driver and five kids out of the burning car. Ivey said the fire kept getting worse and knew it had to be moved because it was so close to the school. That's when Ivey hopped in the driver's side and tried to start the car. When that didn't work, he was able to put the car into neutral after about three or four attempts. Ivey said the wheels were turned just enough that he was able to push the car across the road and into the grass where it continued to burn. Ivey said his primary goal was to just get everyone out of the car and get the car moved away from the school.

We are so thankful he was able to accomplish those goals.

"He did his job," said SMES principal Jennifer Harris. "But, sometimes doing your job is being a hero and that's exactly what he was for us. It reaffirmed to me the importance of having SRO's in our building."

Thank you Deputy Ivey for your quick response and heroic actions.