All smile in Coach E class!
Marshall County Lunch is the best!!
Lip-synch battles are so fun!
Two sided camera to fit everyone is the best!!
We love pizza days!
So much fun at the Leadership Forum!
School gives us the best friends!
Always remember to be kind!
It's so fun in Mr. Darnall room
The Female Leadership Forum was the best!!
Thank you decorators!! The forum was gorgeous!!
Female Leadership Forum was a blast!!
Marshall County Public Library’s Community Outreach Program in collaboration with MCHS Leadership Class!!
Always remember to support the upcoming Marshals!
We love Mr. Hart!
Science class makes for the best friends!
Our cheerleaders are some of the best and always have school spirit!
Jersey day is so fun!!
Encouraging each other with hugs puts a smile on everyone’s face!!
Smile you're at Marshall County High School!